Goodbye is too good a word, Fare thee well...
I am glad August is almost over. It's been a strangely listless month. Too many goodbyes and too much of work. And not interesting, compelling work at that, because, in that case, I don't really mind the number of hours I have to put in.
Tall and Maddy both quit their jobs. Tall's was expected--she had been toying with the idea for a while now--Maddy's was a bolt out of the blue. But either way, saying goodbye to them hasn't been easy. I met Tall for a hurried cuppa before she rushed to catch her flight. It had been a particularly busy week for both of us and we had been putting off our meeting till the very last day. Which turned out to be a bad idea. We talked of everything and nothing in particular in that half an hour. Just one of those I-am-going-to-miss-you-but-I-am-trying-not-to-let-you-see-how-much conversations, but hell, I am missing her awfully. Maddy is still serving her notice period, and she has promised to chip in for the Big Assignment that begins in a day's time, but then, she'll be gone next week. Which means post-September 6, I'll be all alone. I'll have nobody to pour out my work woes to, or go out for hurried lunches with, or meet up for coffee post-work. No Maddy to share junk food cravings and certainly no Tall to call up at ungodly hours just to have a good laugh. Life's not fair, I am telling you! (long heart-rending sob!)
In the meantime, another friend from across the seas is arriving in a couple of days' time. I cannot decide whether my anticipation is greater than my apprehension. This living on tenterhooks is not quite my style, but hello, do I have a choice!
Tall and Maddy both quit their jobs. Tall's was expected--she had been toying with the idea for a while now--Maddy's was a bolt out of the blue. But either way, saying goodbye to them hasn't been easy. I met Tall for a hurried cuppa before she rushed to catch her flight. It had been a particularly busy week for both of us and we had been putting off our meeting till the very last day. Which turned out to be a bad idea. We talked of everything and nothing in particular in that half an hour. Just one of those I-am-going-to-miss-you-but-I-am-trying-not-to-let-you-see-how-much conversations, but hell, I am missing her awfully. Maddy is still serving her notice period, and she has promised to chip in for the Big Assignment that begins in a day's time, but then, she'll be gone next week. Which means post-September 6, I'll be all alone. I'll have nobody to pour out my work woes to, or go out for hurried lunches with, or meet up for coffee post-work. No Maddy to share junk food cravings and certainly no Tall to call up at ungodly hours just to have a good laugh. Life's not fair, I am telling you! (long heart-rending sob!)
In the meantime, another friend from across the seas is arriving in a couple of days' time. I cannot decide whether my anticipation is greater than my apprehension. This living on tenterhooks is not quite my style, but hello, do I have a choice!