Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Winter, spring, summer or fall, All you have to do is call

Tall is coming back to the city in August with a new job. Much yay-ness there. Have been willing her to get back all this while and now it has actually happened! Really missed her and Maddy in the one year that they quit this job and moved on. But now she'll be here and even Maddy will come to town for the weekend. So, much joy and celebration, not to mention re-unions around the corner.

Speaking of re-unions, spent a clandestine couple of days this last weekend with my old flatmates and had such a great time, that it kind of made up for the surreptitious guilt of sneaking out of my duties as a host and indulging myself. I don't know why people say women can't be friends with women--A keeps telling me it's a bit of an anachronism--but if you ever saw us there, in that quaint place which we called home, you wouldn't really stick to your argument.

Happy, Shy, Fish, Golden--all our paths have criss-crossed and diverged, but when we get together even for a while, it's almost like the bubble hasn't burst. It re-assures me, this familiarity of reactions. We still laugh maniacally over silly things, still shop like crazy, share advice, mope over our respective woes, even bitch these days quite a fair bit and then move on ahead. Some relations come without pressures of expectation. Mine with my old flatmates is pretty much fancy free. It's heady and it makes me feel so bloody good!

But then, like all good things, this camaraderie too comes with an expiry date: Happy is moving to Yankee doodle shores next month, Shy to Sea City and Fish is in a state of limbo, caught between duties and desires, and too freaked out to do much besides. And oh, did I mention, Chirpy got engaged the Friday I was there? To a guy who has been steadfastly pursuing her for a while? I saw their snaps the other day. They look so absolutely delightful! Sigh, I'll always be a sucker for romances!

Anyway, to come back to the point, it's fun, these occasional meetings, where you are just yourself--sans baggage, sans the load of being or becoming. No deep commitments, and nothing to be had out of it except some lovely moments of unadulterated freewheeling. I have been feeling very satiated since I met the girls, and now I can't wait for Tall to be back. Life isn't all that bad really now, is it?



Blogger The South Face said...

hey just wanted to tell you that I've been reading your blog on and off for the past few months...you write beautifuly....the stuff you write about touches me deeply....and I can relate to a degree which quite suprises me...

Take care

7:42 PM GMT+5:30  
Blogger InExile said...

i love the title of your post..

10:38 PM GMT+5:30  
Blogger P said...

the south face and inexile,

Thank you both...

11:22 PM GMT+5:30  
Blogger AB said...

Is it you eM?

7:43 PM GMT+5:30  
Blogger P said...


No, am not eM. Am flattered though at the comparison. Cheers!

1:22 PM GMT+5:30  

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